We've been getting down with a bit of DIY at Chez Fox lately. Here's what we've been up to:
* We bought a microfiber couch a few years ago and were told that it would be so easy to keep clean. If your a microfiber couch owner, I'd guess you rolled your eyes when you read that last sentence. After 5 years with a rambunctious and messy little boy, our couch was disgusting. We tried microfiber cleaning cloths and dry sponges but nothing worked. In a last ditch effort before tossing it, we tried this tip I found via Pinterest using rubbing alcohol. I'm so f^@&ing thrilled to report it worked marvelously!!
It's not perfect but it's fun.
* I've taken up cross-stitch. I'm not actually sure what possessed me but I'm having a ton of fun teaching myself and making up my own patterns. Here's a peek at my first attempt. Clearly, I have a fondness for the F-bomb. Friends and family should be cringing at the thought of what they might be getting from me for Foxmas this year.
* Something came over me this morning and I made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies from scratch. What?! I'm not great at baking so this is a major triumph for me. BONUS: they're actually edible.