I've spent the last year trying to figure out how to be a stay at home, freelance writing mother. It's been quite challenging at times but I've really enjoyed spending this precious first year with my second son rather than jumping right back into a full time+ job as I did after my first.
In 2008, I went back to work after the standard three month maternity leave. I went to an office everyday, to an exciting job in the corporate office of a high end salon/spa/boutique company in Boston. While I know I didn't look ultra stylish every single day, I was forced by social norms to shower regularly, put on makeup, get dressed and wear cool, big girl shoes. This time, I've barely put on makeup, I still slip on maternity leggings from time to time and have a very sorry collection of unsupportive nursing bras. I can't even go into what's happening with my hair.
This last year has been tricky. I write for various publications, including this little blog, during nap times and in the evening after the boys are asleep. Why should I shower when I'm alternating between playing on the nursery floor and sitting at my computer? I occasionally go days without actually seeing or speaking to another adult other than my husband (poor guy).
My motivational button for Project JDF.
I do manage to get some girl time in with my friends, sometimes even without kids, which is when I at least attempt to swipe on concealer and lip gloss. But I'm wearing the same old shit: threadbare leggings, chunky cardigans, tanks and tees festooned with pureed pears and oatmeal.
I've misplaced my spark. It's around here somewhere but I've been too tired to look for it. As my second son approaches his first birthday, I'm slowly emerging from the shadows. It's time to make an effort again. I need to clean out my closet, rework my makeup drawer and kick up my fitness plan. Today is Day 1 of Project JDF.