I'm having a ginger moment but it's not what you're thinking. I'm talking about ginger root, the rhizome of the plant Zingiber officinale. See there? What I love about ginger the most is right there in its name: Zing-iber! I absolutely love the scent and taste, not to mention its multiple health benefits. The knobby root is widely used as a digestion aid, can calm nausea, helps reduce gas, soothes aching muscles and joints, can break up nose and throat congestion and so! much! more! Here's how I get funky with ginger:
* My cocktail of choice these days is a Moscow Mule: 6 ounces of ginger beer and 2 ounces of vodka, with a wedge of lime. Delish! Bonus: the drink is traditionally served in copper mugs, which are terribly stylish, dahlink.
* Ginger essential oil is great to have on hand to add to baths.
* Candied ginger is a spicy-sweet treat and looks really pretty to boot. I've never made it myself but I might have to give it a whirl. This recipe looks simple enough.
* Ginger Soy Sauce is so much tastier than regular. If you can't find a bottle in store, make your own by whisking minced ginger with your plain-ass soy sauce.
It's a small yield but worth juicing anyway.
* Origins Ginger Body Gloss leaves skin well moisturized and deliciously scented.
* I'm super obsessed with shots of fresh juiced ginger. I have terrible knife skills so my husband is in charge of this duty.
* I use the powdered spice in cooking or grate fresh ginger into soups, rice dishes or over desserts for a tasty kick. I keep a tube of ginger paste (available in the refrigerated herb section of most grocery stores) for my husband's spur of the moment culinary adventures. While fresh is always best, the tube lasts longer and is way more convenient.
Keep it funky,